Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Silly, The Sappy, and The Spiritual...A tribute to MOMS!

I'd like to dedicate this post to the greatest woman alive...MY MOM!  Words cannot express the gratitude I have for her and all that she has done and continues to do for me.

However, I hope it will be an uplifting message to all mothers out there as we prepare to celebrate Mother's Day.  For some it is a day of rest and celebration, of gratitude and happiness.  To others, I know it's a day of heartbreak and sadness for what once was, what is lost, what hasn't yet been, or what is still yet to be in their lives.  Perhaps for some it is a day of regrets and remorse or of guilt and fatigue.  Whatever your circumstance in life may be, remember this...that the sacrifice of your mother brought you in to this world, and the sacrifice of another mother, even Mary of old, is what can make all that is, has been, or will be wrong, right again.  Today I want to share with you some of my favorite MOM videos of all time!  I'll start with the lighthearted and end with the most meaningful to me!  I hope you enjoy a little time watching, laughing, smiling, and crying as you remember what this day is truly about!

First check out this link for some awesome insights on Motherhood as well as another great video!

Oh, and if you haven't already, check out this post on The Perfect Mother for when you just don't feel like YOU measure up as a mother!

Happy Mother's Day!

The Silly--None Other Than Mr. T!

The Sappy--You're Doing Okay Mom!

The Spiritual--Motherhood: An Eternal Partnership With God

Because She Is A Mother (The Full Address of the previous video if you want to hear the whole thing!)

The One Who Sacrificed it all for us--Mary, The Mother of Jesus

Happy Mother's Day!

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